Hammocks have risen to be the most popular outdoor gear among outdoor lovers over the years. There are so many designs of hammocks that are durable, lightweight and efficient. There is a huge need for the best straps to provide the best suspensions. These straps must be portable, light and adaptable.
Lucky for you, we have prepared a list of some of the 10 best products that will make the choosing process easier and quicker. Look at them now!
Straps will determine how long your hammock will last suspended with you on it. Choosing the best straps for hammock as you will learn later, will be based on how you are going to use your hammock. You should, therefore, be careful on how the manufacturer has made sure that you will always be safe and suspended all night when using their hammock straps.

Best hammock tree straps comparison
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Editor’s Pick | Mallome XL | Double | 24ft L by 1’’ W |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Alternative Pick | Nature’s Hangtight XL | Double | 48ft L by 1’’ W |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Budget Pick | Outdoor Pradise Hammock tree | Double/Single | 28ft L by 1’’ W |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Upgrade Pick | Bear Butt Kodiak | Single | 10ft L by 1’’W |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Wise Owl outfitters | Single | 20ft L |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Rllt Hammock Straps | Single | 20ft by 0.75’’W |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | OxStraps | Single | 10ft by 1’’ W |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Eagles Nest Outfitters | Single | 10ft by 1’’ W |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Soulfull | Single | 20ft by 1’’ W |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | Pys Outdoor | Double | 20ft by 1’’ W |
Top 10 Hammock Straps Reviews
1. Mallow me XL Hammock Straps

There is no reasonable doubt that these straps should top our review. This is our number one reviewed product for several reasons. First of all, these are the best and popular straps you will ever find on the market today. They measure 24 feet long lengthwise and 1 inch wide. They have 20 attachment loops on each side resulting in 40 attachment loops in total. These hammock straps can support a weight of up to 2000 pounds which make them safe enough.
Another reason why you should buy these straps is their setting time. You will take close to around 1 minute to set them up and bring them down. They do not have complicated knots to learn how to handle them. These straps can be suspended by points that are 25 feet apart which are good for suspensions in posts, trees, large rocks and boat masks. That is a good reason enough to buy these straps.
The daisy chained loop system makes these straps become easy to adjust especially if you want to succeed in adjusting the height of your hammock. To ensure that you hang without snapping, these straps are made of 100% polyester webbing material which makes them strong and stretch resistant.
2. Nature’s Hangout Hang tight XL Hammock straps

If you can’t buy our number one straps for one reason or another, these are the second best alternative straps you might want to consider if you want high-quality straps available at a relatively affordable price.
Another reason for buying them is that they are easy and versatile to use. Each strap is 14 feet long and with 24 attachment loops for quick and easy setup. Since these attachments are quick to set-up, they can easily create a quick hang without any fuss.
They might require some tutorial on how to use them, but you shouldn’t get worried as it is easy to learn how to use them without any complications. They are also an improvement of polypropylene and nylon straps which are made from 100% polyester. For this reason, they will not stretch even when wet. These straps are also tree friendly; they will not cut or peel off the backs of the hanging trees.
If you are worried about carrying heavy luggage on your back when going camping, forget about the huge weight when dealing with these hammock straps. They are lightweight; they weigh only 15.75 oz.
These hammock straps can also be safely hanged between distances of 28 feet apart. The only issue associated with using these hammock straps is the constant adjustment that will need to be done because of the stretch.
3. Outdoor Paradise Hammock Tree straps

Are you looking for hammock straps that are affordable and at the same time could get the job done? These are the right straps for you. They are cheap and of high quality. They have been designed from a strong polyester webbing fabric. From tests done on these straps, they surpassed 1000 plus pounds (453kgs) of weight. This means that they comfortably and safely bear the weight of even extra heavy people.
To ensure that the locking remains strong, they have added two heavy duty nickel coated locking carabiners. This is in the effort of ensuring that your hammock will not slide while on it. They are completely hassle free; you will have a one minute time to install these straps. They are a pair of straps which can be suspended in the distance between 20 feet apart.
They are portable and come with an included carrying bag. On safety, they are average, and they are tree-friendly as well. What’s more, these hammock straps are very light and can easily be carried when moving from one point to another. They are also multipurpose and can, therefore, be used for several functions and on different hammocks.
The only drawback associated with these hammock straps is their tendency to stretch when loaded and will, therefore, need constant readjustments.
4. Bear Butt Kodiak Hammock straps

If you have been looking for straps that are a bit more technical at a higher price, the bear butt hammock straps qualify as one of such straps. Made by a company that started the trend of calling hammocks “hammies,” these straps are 100% polyester with each attachment point extra triple stitched. This translates to a double reinforcement of the straps. These give an end result of a strap that has strong and unique embroidery.
These double reinforced and triple stitched straps are strong that can withstand a weight of 1000 pounds. They have 40 combined attachment points for more hanging heights, 20 feet long and each strap is one inch wide for added strength. What’s more, these hammock straps do not need any knots to be tied when being used. Hence they are very easy to set-up. It is also worth realizing that these hammock straps do not absorb water, mildew or deteriorate from the sun’s UV light. This means that they can stand the test of time.
The only issue to be worried about when using them is the fact that the straps and the carabiners can break when a weight of more than 400 pounds is used on them.
5. Hammock Straps By wise Owl Outfitters

These are among the best straps on the market. Owl outfitters don’t disappoint when it comes to camping or backpacking gear. Their straps are easy and simple to use. They are made of strong polyester filament webbing with a rating of 400 pounds. It is for this reason that these straps are very strong and will not stretch out.
For you to attain maximum height, they have added 19 loops on their 10 feet long straps. These will ensure that you have so many adjustments. If you are looking for a seller that will give you your money back without hesitation in case you are not satisfied, then Owl Outfitters is the right choice.
What’s more, these hammock straps come with included carabiners. They are also very easy to use and will save you a lot of time in setting them up and bringing them down. All the straps are 10 feet long giving a good distance between the holding poles and trees. You should be aware that when the straps are stretched out, putting the carabiners through the hoops is somehow complicated.
6. Rallt Hammock Tree straps

These are the strongest hammock straps you will ever find on the market today. This is as a result of the ingenuity in the design of these straps. They are made of ¾ inches with a tubular webbing and a strength of 2055 pounds.
They use tack stitches which are often stronger than the material they bind. For maximum strength and safety, these straps have each loop backed up by the second bar of tack stitch. These straps are 100% polyester which doesn't stretch and is unique as compared to nylon straps.
To give you more space for hanging your hammock, the straps measure 10 feet each so that you can tie them on trees that are 20 feet from each other. This will make sure that you enjoy using your hammock in the wilderness.
The daisy-chain system gives these straps a quick and easy installation process. They are also compact and light. They weight 11.7oz each. They can easily be packed into a stuff pack that comes along with them. It’s that fact alone that renders these straps ideal for backpacking. The only issue to be worried about is that they don’t come with free carabiners and you will have to spend some money to some on your own.
7. OxStraps Hammock Straps XL

If you always doubt the strength of your hammock straps, then you better buy the OxStraps Hammock Straps. They have a guaranteed strong structure. They are made of durable, stretch resistant polyester that can withstand a weight capacity of 1200 pounds. They are perfect for any parachute hammock. With them are included stainless steel carabiner hooks that won’t bend easily. This will ensure that you don’t incur more expenses again to buy the carabiners.
They are easy to install and use, they are also tree friendly. The OxStraps Straps are convenient straps that will even fit thick trees. They also come with a convenient carrying pouch so that you can bring your straps along with you anywhere as they are very important camping accessories. They are 10 feet each, and they each come with stainless steel hooks for hanging.
What’s more, these straps are stretch resistant. They will not stretch when using them and therefore you can comfortably forget the constant readjustments associated with other hammock straps. Don’t be fooled by the fact that these straps are light weight; they are still heavy duty straps despite being light.
8. Eno Eagles Nest Outfitters- Atlas Straps

Are you extremely cautious about the safety of trees when it comes to using your hammock straps? These are your best choice of straps that will make sure that the trees are very safe as you hang between them. They are wide straps that are made out of nylon and a polyester material webbing that goes around trees to minimize girdling and damage to the bark.
They are lightweight and compact. To make sure that you conveniently carry them along, they have added a carrying bag. What’s more, these straps are durable and will give you value for your money.
They will give you a good start of mastering the art of lounging hammocks. These straps are 9 feet long which make them suitable to be wrapped around big trees. They are made of double poly filament webbing which supports up to 400 pounds.
These straps will perfectly pair with ENO hammock, and they are quick to set-up. The only issue to be worried about when using them is the fact that they tend to get worn out faster when used continuously.
9. Sourfull’s Xl Hammock straps

These straps are outstanding for the fact that they do not work only on specific hammocks. Instead, they can work well on any hammock on the market. They are simple to use and are versatile as well. Each strap is 10 feet with 20 loops so that you can set them up and relax within 90 seconds. They have daisy-chained systems which are good for height adjustment.
These straps are 10 feet long and one inch wide for average friction making it tree friendly. They have a net breaking weight of 700 pounds. The Sourfull’s Hammocks straps are 100% stretch resistant because of their polyester webbing core design.
They are quick and simpler to set-up as there is no tying of knots needed anywhere; you will simply have to just wrap it around anything strong that will hold you and your hammock. Despite their great features, they can easily get worn out after being used for some time.
10. PYS Outdoor XL Hammock straps set PYS Outdoor combined

If you are looking for straps that do not stretch a lot, these PYS hammocks straps will just do well for you. They are 10 feet long and inch wide. These straps are rated at 1100 pounds each which give them a total rating of 2200 pounds. They are light, compact and stronger. It is worth noting that they are compatible with Eno Single Nest, DoubleNest and most of the other hammocks.
These straps are also very easy and simple to set up to be used. You will be required to set them up in anything that is strong and can hold you when on your hammock. These might be poles, trees, beams or bars and any other sturdy object. What’s more, they are also affordable and can be bought any average outdoor adventurer.
The only issue to be worried about is the fact that they will somehow stretch after being used severally. This will mean that you will constantly have to readjust them with time.
Types Of Suspension Systems
Suspension systems are what keep your hammock off the ground. There are generally two ways that you can use to suspend your hammock.
1. Knots/webbing
As an outdoor lover, you should be careful on not damaging the trees. This means that the straps should be smartly tied on the tree barks. One of the ways is by using knots or webbing. The webbings should be done in such a way that no trace is left on the tree after use. Sometimes tying the knot can be hard, and that is why most of the straps manufacturers have shifted to using hardware to make things easier for you.
2. Hardware
These are suspensions that use metallic suspension systems as their joint. Instead of tying a knot, you will have a metallic suspension coming in between the straps. Doing this will make things easier and quicker. These common suspensions include carabiners, whoopie-sling hooks, descender rings, figure 9s, toggles and Dutch clips.
What To Consider When Buying The Best Straps
Buying yourself the best hammock won’t be complete without a pair of best straps. These straps are not made the same; a careful selection has to be done on them to ensure that you carry yourself the best straps home. So what are these factors that will make you isolate the sham from the best?
1. Durability
Durability is the key factor for any camper. Durable straps mean that they will last through the test of time. They will remain intact for many days in a row for many times of use. Durable straps will give you a long term satisfaction. Durable straps will also determine the way you spend your hammock moments. They can withstand swings and weight.
Sometimes when going to the woods for camping, it is very unpredictable what you are going to hang your hammock on. It is therefore important to look for a strap that will hang on anything strong to support you and your hammock.
2. Versatility
3. Size
The size of the straps will determine many functional aspects of the strap. First is the strength. The bigger and thicker the strap, the higher its strength will be. However it will be bulky, and it won’t be suitable for backpacking. To make it good, manufacturers try to play between these two variables of size and weight. You should find the one that the best weight to size ratio.
Secondly is that thin straps are always not tree friendly. They will cut the bark of the trees and hurt the trees. Those hammock straps that have a wide surface area have great friction which reduces harm on the tree barks and hence becomes tree friendly.
The higher the weight ratings of the hammock, the stronger the strap will be. You should, therefore, look for those that have high weight ratings. This will be good especially if you are looking for straps for double hammocks. Double hammocks will require straps of higher weight ratings to ensure they withstand the weight of the two people who are boarding the hammock.
4. Weight strength
5. Hammock Specifics
Some straps are made for particular hammocks. These straps will only be tied to specific hammocks because they only fit the specific features of that particular hammock. Examples of these straps are ENO and Kammok. Most of them have their hammocks set-up with loops which will connect to the carabiners for easy use.
6. Hammock use
How you are going to use your hammock will determine the type of straps you are going to buy. If you are going to use your hammock for the backyard, you can get one with basic daisy-chain suspension systems.
If you are going backpacking and for a long trip, daisy-chain suspension system can be of good, but they might be heavier hence it will be good if you use the “cinch buckle” or “whoopee-sling style” suspension.
If you are going camping in places that hanging will be hard and challenging, it is good to avoid whoopee-sling suspension system. This is because they are not so much versatile in a case like this. They are better for long span suspensions.
Wrapping Up
Nothing can keep you safe on your hammock as compared to having a mind that is sure that you have the strongest strap keeping you floating freely in the air. At the same time, nothing can create insecurity like having a strap that you doubt might snap anytime. It is important therefore to consider the above features especially the weight ratings, the size, durability and versatility.
The best hammock straps will keep you floating even with a high number of swings. I mean the sweetness of using a hammock is being able to swing freely. Your straps should be able to withstand all kind of hammock stress like the Mallow me XL Hammock Straps.
They are very easy and quick to set up. You will take close to around 1 minute to set them up and bring them down since there are no complicated knots. These straps can be suspended by points that are 28 feet apart which are good for suspensions in posts, trees, posts, large rocks, roof racks as well as boat masks.
They use daisy chained looped system which makes these straps become easy to adjust especially if you want to adjust the height of your hammock. To ensure that you hang without snapping, these straps are made of 100% polyester webbing material which makes them strong and stretch resistant.
Have you ever used any of the best straps that we have reviewed above? If yes, how can you describe its performance? Which one do you have a soft spot for among the ten discussed above? We would love to get some feedback from you regarding this comprehensive review. You can leave your comments below.