When you are wanting to use your RV for a vacation or a weekend getaway, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not bugs have infested it. Insects seem to be able to get into virtually any area, and RV’s are not exempt from this.
Continue reading to learn how to keep bugs out of your RV, and how to take care of the problem if they have already gotten in.
Bug Biology
Before you can begin figuring out ways to keep bugs out of your RV, it would be helpful to know why they are there in the first place. Bugs, much like any other pest species, are primarily concerned with surviving until the next day.
In order to do this, they are always on the lookout for food and shelter. An RV can provide both of these essential resources, which makes it a very enticing place to invade. Since RV’s are often parked in a shed or sheltered area, this usually means that they are less affected by wind chill, making the temperatures much warmer for the bug inhabitants.
On the food front, many people leave snacks and other food in their RV’s. Bugs are able to find food in virtually any location, and they can make a mess of the snacks in your RV.
If you are interested in learning more about the biology of specific bug species, take a look at getridofpests.com. Now that insect attraction to RV’s has been examined, there are steps that can be taken to avoid insect infestations.
Clean Your RV
One of the best ways to keep insects out of your RV is to keep it cleaned in every possible way. Bugs, like other pests, love to live and forage in areas that are messy and dirty, as they are able to stay safe and find more food.
By keeping your RV cleaned up nicely, you are eliminating serious attraction for bugs. The best way to begin a preliminary cleanup is to organize everything in your RV. Once you have everything put where it needs to be, you can start systematically cleaning, much like you would do in your home. Vacuuming or sweeping floors, scrubbing up grease or other grime, and dusting are all excellent ways to clean up.
Another way to ensure that your RV is not as attractive to insects is to clean up any food you have. If you keep snacks and other types of food in your RV, you will want to make sure it is sealed up very well, or even remove it from the RV. Similarly, any leftover food, crumbs, or small scraps laying around the interior of the RV can cause insects to flock, leaving you with a serious problem. At the end of the day, a great first step for bug prevention is to clean up your RV.
Hire a Professional
If you have an insect problem in your RV, it might be a good idea to look into hiring professionals that have years of experience in fixing bug problems. If you are looking for a reliable group of professional bug experts, reach out to New Journey Pest Control for a detailed insect removal and prevention service.
Often, pest control companies will provide many other services, such as cleaning and sanitation, attic restoration, and many more services that can fix all of your pest-related problems.
Seal It Up
One common reason that bugs are able to get into RV’s is that they are often not sealed the best. This can be the case straight from the factory, though most of the problems occur as the vehicle ages.
To begin with, examine your RV’s interior and exterior, paying attention to every inch of it. Pay special attention to the seals around the doors and windows.
If you see any problems, you should be able to repair it with all-weather sealant or a replacement seal from a home improvement store. By sealing off your RV so that it is bug-proof, you will be taking a big step towards being bug-free.
The topic of using bug repellents is often met with much argument, as many people are skeptical of the effectiveness of repellents. Be that as it may, there are many people who will swear by a particular brand of insect repellent or a homemade repellent that they have made.
The best advice you can get when it comes to buying pre-made bug repellent is to do your research and check reviews. There are also many people who love to use ultrasonic insect repellent devices, and these can also be an effective weapon to keep bugs out of your RV.
When it comes to homemade repellents, there are some great options out there that have been used by many people with varying degrees of effectiveness. A very common type of insect repellent is formulated by mixing a common ingredient or an essential oil with water.
Once you have mixed the ingredients together, you put them in a spray bottle and spray them around the perimeter of your RV, home, or wherever you are trying to keep bugs away from.
Common ingredients that are mixed with water are vinegar, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, cayenne pepper, and even hot sauce. The effectiveness of these homemade repellents will wane as the scent wears off, so reapplication is often necessary.
What If I Already Have Bugs?
While the previously mentioned tips can help you prevent bugs, what should you do if they have already infested your RV? Getting rid of termites yourself might seem like a simple enough task, but there are some important things you should know before you attempt DIY removal. Continue reading to learn more.
DIY Bug Removal
Before you begin attempting to remove bugs on your own, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.
First, and most importantly, you have to remember that if you are not able to remove all of the insects, they will multiply very quickly, potentially leaving you with a very serious problem after all. Second, you are missing out on the expertise of pest control specialists who could help you figure out how to prevent bugs from invading in the future.