Bow hunting has become immensely popular during the last 5 decades. Despite this, many hunters that have experience of hunting with guns too, comprehend that bow hunting does not imply returning home with some slain animal. As a matter of fact, bow hunting presents more challenges compared to gun hunting and only an expert hunter can kill an animal in the wilderness.
In the following paragraphs, we have provided the top 5 tips that will come of use to you while using a bow for hunting.

1. Selecting the proper bow
Similar to firearms, you will come across many types of bows on the market at present. You need to consider several factors before selecting the one for you.
A. Bow Size
It is essential to own a bow that matches your size plus weight category. While buying the bow, do not put all your faith on the salesman. There are 3 things to know before buying the bow. These are:
a/ The draw length
This aspect will aid you in selecting the appropriate bow. You will need a measuring tape, an assistant, and proper calculation to figure out the proper draw length.
The formula is uncomplicated: the draw length = arm span of the hunter / 2.5.
You will require 2 things to get the proper arm span. You can do it in this manner:
Stand up on your feet in a relaxed manner and use your arms to form the letter “T” as your palms are open while facing forward. Request your assistant to calculate your arm span from one of your middle finger’s tip to the other middle finger’s tip using the tape. Once you get the required data, the result can be rounded up easily.
b/ The bow type
You will come across many types of bows out there according to their shape, and they can be categorized into 3 main types:
- Straight bow
- Recurve bow
- Compound bow
The straight bow happens to be the more conventional type that is almost straight while it is viewed from the side. While offering optimum mechanical benefits, this bow aids in minimizing the draw weight too.
As the string is pulled by the archer, the draw weight will increase and the arrow will leave the bow very forcefully. It is difficult to use this type of bow and only those who are experienced enough are recommended to use it.
The recurve bow can boast of having a particular shape that enables the archer to shoot with enhanced speed and energy. This bow is ideal for the newbies having intermediary skills although the experts can likewise use it too.
The last one is the compound bow type which uses an innovative system of cables and pulleys that help to bend the limbs which are stiffer as compared to a recurve bow. The bow is more effective because of this stiffness which enables the archer to get enhanced speed and also a better trajectory.
c. The draw weight
By the term “draw weight” we refer to the amount of force that will be needed for pulling the string. You can take the help of an appropriate chart available from your nearest dealer to find out the correct draw weight that will be ideal for you.
2. Choosing the arrow

It is vital to select the proper arrow for your bow. Remember that you will come across different bows with different draw lengths out there. As a result, the sensible thing to do will be to select arrows of length matching or almost matching the draw length of the bow. Excessively long arrows will drop off too quickly once you fire them. In case they are excessively short, it won’t be possible for the archer to draw his bow to the full length.
3. Hunting boots

One more important accessory for bow hunting is the hunting boot. An improper pair of hunting boots will not allow you to have a comfortable feeling and, in fact, your toes might become numb since the boots are not warm or because your feet are wet.
It is imperative for the proper hunting boots to be water resistant up to 9 inches above your ankles. Besides this, they ought to have a sufficient amount of Thinsulate insulation which will help you stay warm during the cold winter months.
They must also feature proper ankle support for the uneven surfaces plus a rough tread pattern which will prevent the archer from slipping. Another essential accessory to go for will be the archery arm guard which is resilient and will likewise fit your arm too.
4. Calls or Decoys

It might be wise on your part to bring decoys or calls depending on the animal you want to hunt. Calls will be ideal for almost every type of game animal out there. Calls will never disappoint you irrespective of whether you want to use a grunt call for freezing a deer or a yelp call for hunting a large turkey.
Decoys will be legitimate for certain animals in some specific states and, therefore, it is advisable to be careful about the regulations. Turkeys are endowed with fantastic eyesight which makes it sensible to bring a turkey decoy that can attract the bird from more than 100 yards away.

5. Precision
Perhaps the most important aspect while doing bow hunting will be your accuracy. In case you are not able to take proper aim and hit the target accurately you will not attain success. If you have good accuracy, you can use any ordinary bow available on the market and yet get good results.
However, it is essential to be aware of your limitations and if your aim is not good enough there is no point of going for a super stiff bow which is light too. You will require one that helps you to aim properly and which you can hold properly with no trembling of your arm even at full draw weight.
There is no doubt about the fact that bow hunting is a great experience for anyone who likes adventure. In fact, it is venturing out to kill the animal without any firearm. It is a great feeling to get near the prey and then feel the excitement in you while drawing that bow and then firing the arrow. If you are accurate enough to hit the target, nothing can be more satisfying.