Do you know that fishing is an economic activity which can be very entertaining for most people? You read that right. For many people, bonding with family and friends is more fun and soul-healing when they engage in fishing activities, and to some, fishing is a hobby. However, people should always remember that fishing is not like any other social activity like swimming or farming. In fact, this exercise is more challenging and risky than any other economic or social activity.
For this reason, fishers should always be well versed with the knowledge of how the activity is carried out and the dangers involved. This article will, therefore, inform you of the essential things to remember when fishing, especially in the lake.

1. Remember to check whether you have all fishing equipment
Just imagine this; you go fishing by the lake only to realize that you lack the necessary items you can use to catch the fish. It’s annoying, right? To avoid this irritating situation, you need to remember checking whether you have everything set before you go fishing. Note that your day can only be successful if you have the right fishing gear.
Not only that, ensure that the tools you have are in good condition to be sure that they won’t fail you while already in the fishing boat. Most of all, don’t forget to double check the quality and size of that equipment while already at the lake, to ensure they can withstand the water depth. The fishing tools we’re discussing here include:
. Fishing rods
This is a stick that is attached to a hook to help to catch fish. It is long, but flexible to make it easier to capture all types and sizes of fish. This equipment is essential in fishing activities and should be between seven to twenty feet long. Ensure your rod is sensitive enough so that you don’t go back home empty-handed.
. Fishing Reels
These are cylindrical tools which are attached to angling rods. The devices are useful during fishing, especially for stowing fishing lines. These reels are a must for both beginners and experienced anglers and should be of the same size as the rod.
The various types of these fishing rods include a fly reel, centrepin reel, revolving-spool (baitcasting) reel, conventional reel, spinning reel, spin cast reel, and underspin reel among others. Most fishers prefer using the spinning reel as they can be used to lure the fish types that are too light in weight to be caught using other reels.
• Fishing lines
This is a cord used during fishing activities. Make sure the angling line that you carry is strong and long enough to withstand the lake. Remember, you may not catch big fishes if your line is a simple string.
• Fishing lure
These are human-made baits that are used to draw the attention of fish, especially in the lakes. Remember to carry the lure with colors that attract the type of fish you want to catch. Note that they are made of different materials, sizes as well as colors to catch diverse species of fish. You should, therefore, be well versed with which lure catches which fish for your angling activity to be successful.
• Fishing tackle
This is a tackle box or kit that should be carried by all fishermen. It has the spears, sinkers, swivels, floats, bits, nets, traps, and waders among other equipment. Ensure your tackle box has every tool that you may require in your fishing activity in the lake depending on the style that you’re planning to use to catch the fish.
• The cooler box
This is the box that you store all the fish you catch. Some people make a big mistake during fishing in the lake as they forget the cooler box. Ensure you don’t make the same mistake by double checking that you have it so that you don’t end up releasing all the fishes that you catch and go home empty-handed.
2. Ensure you have the right angling attire
As seen earlier, fishing can be an enjoyable activity. However, your good moods can change to worse if you don’t wear the acceptable angling outfit. Always remember to wear a lifejacket for safety purposes. Beyond that, don’t forget that you might be exposed to too much sun, and to protect yourself from the adverse effects of direct sun, wearing certain clothes like sunscreens, gloves, and hats is a must.
Likewise, when fishing in the lake, you must remember to wear lightweight shirts with light colors. Those shirts should also be made of breathable material to ensure you’re safe from the harsh effects of the intense sun.
Another thing, remember to wear pants and shorts that are lightweight too. However, don’t wear shorts made of fabrics that can absorb sweat as they may make you feel uncomfortable while fishing. Also, don’t forget to wear shorts with pockets as you can use them to store some fishing equipment like pliers.
Likewise, it’s important to remember to wear lightweight water shoes which cannot damage your feet as well as those which can resist slips during angling. Don’t forget that falling into the lake might be dangerous especially if you don’t know how to swim well. Therefore, choose the angling shoes carefully as your safety comes first.
3. Remember to check the weather
Different weather conditions have different effects on fishers. Just imagine going to fish in the lake only to find out that your boat is capsizing due to strong storms. It’s frustrating, right? Why don’t you then do proper research before going angling to be sure of how the weather will be during the entire activity?
You should, therefore, remember to check the forecast and decide on the best days to go angling to ensure that you’re safe throughout. That’s not all. During some weather conditions, you might not catch a substantial number of fishes, as they change location depending on the weather. Therefore, always remember that fishing in the lake when the sky is overcast can be very successful, unlike in other weather conditions.
4. Ensure you have the correct bait for the kind of fish you’re trying to catch
While fishing in the lake, don’t forget that different fish are caught using specific baits. This again depends on the type of lake you want to go angling. Remember that some lakes like Lake Victoria have fresh water while some like Lake Elementaita have salt water. The point is that if you’re fishing in salt water lakes, using sea worms, shellfish, mullets, crustaceans among other baits can help attract big fishes.
However, when angling in freshwater lakes, using earthworms, crawdads, grasshoppers, crickets, minnows, and raw chicken livers among other baits can attract catfish and other large fishes. Therefore, you must always remember to check the type of water in the lake that you plan to go angling if you want to be successful in your fishing activity. Note that when you use wrong bait, you may take days to catch a single fish or none at all.
5. Be keen on the right fishing location
If you’re angling in a lake, don’t just dip your hook in the water blindly. You might not succeed in catching any fish. Instead, just think of where the fish could actually be. Don’t forget they have a pattern, and you can’t find them just anywhere. Here are some tips to help you locate fish in lakes;
• Study the pattern of movement in lakes with your eyes
Remember that as said earlier, the best time for the fishery in the lake is when there is moderate weather. It’s worth noting that when the weather is calm, the water is also cool and fish always feed at that particular moment. Therefore, you may use your eyes to see where there are ripples and water bubbles, as this may indicate that fishes are there.
In addition to that, when the weather is calm, you’re likely to see fish moving to the surface of the lake, and this is the best time to catch as many fish as possible. Hence, it’s always advisable to remember to use your eyes first to locate the fish when angling in lakes to ensure you achieve your goals.
• Look where there are formations in the lake
Some water structures like bluffs, logs, rocks, weeds, and river ends are perfect places in lakes where fish hide while feeding. The reason is that these structures help fish foods like algae to grow well. Thus, you’re likely to spot both small and big fish near those underwater structures, and especially at the river ends, a point where streams enter lakes.
Likewise, spotting sunken stuff in the lakes may mean that you’ll catch the fish that you’re targeting. Note that fish always find shelter in sunken objects, and, therefore, finding those objects in lakes is essential.
• Look for areas rich in oxygen in the lake
You all know that like any other animal, fish can only do well in well-oxygenated areas. And in both lakes, seas, waterfalls, and rivers, to locate areas full of oxygen, look where there is moving water. Therefore, when you’re angling in a lake, don’t forget to look for streams as this may make your fishing trip really successful.
6. Don’t move your boat too much when bass fishing
Many anglers forget that the noisier your boat is, the more you scare away the bass and other fish types. Even though the ship can help you move efficiently in the lake while fishing, sometimes it’s advisable not to use a boat while trying to catch bass in a lake. In fact, most bass fish are found along shorelines and not in the middle of the lake as many fishers think.
However, if you feel that you want to use a boat, remember to use it wisely without much movement to avoid making loud noises. Again, remember that the fish might hide when they see you; therefore, you should not move from one point to another so quickly without a bite.
Beyond that, it’s worth noting that the behavior of bass fish depends on weather conditions. According to Focus Fishing, anglers can succeed to get a huge number of bass fish probably on cloudy days. This is because this type of fish comes out to feed when the weather is cloudy. Therefore, for fishers to succeed when angling in a lake, they must consider the weather condition, especially if bass fishing.7. Always remember to stay alert
Fishers should always remain watchful and ready for various reasons. First of all, you may notice some movements in the lake which may mean that you can catch some fish if you’re ready to dip your hook. Remember that many anglers are on the lookout for wherever they can get some bite, so being alert can help a lot in ensuring that your fishing tour is successful.
Another thing is that the weather can change anytime anywhere. Therefore, every angler must always be on the lookout for adverse weather changes especially during high tides which might trap you. Also, strong waves and winds can be hazardous as they can make you slip off. For this reason, it’s advisable to stay vigilant while fishing in the lakes for your safety.
8. Ensure you’re fishing in a safe spot
If you’re not an experienced angler, it’s always advisable that you ask your fellow fishermen who are experts in angling from that lake the most sheltered location to carry out your fishing activity. Remember that if you’re not conversant with the lake, going to the middle of the lake without guidance from locals and experienced anglers isn’t safe at all.
Therefore, always remember to ask for guidance to know the best spots for the fishery, where you can escape effortlessly in case you slip, or you’re washed away.
9. Remember that fishing alone in a lake is dangerous
Both experienced and beginners in the fishing industry should never go fishing alone. Actually, going angling alone in a lake is very risky as you might be washed into the lake in case you slip or the weather changes. Therefore, make sure you are in a company of experienced fishermen, and fish only in places where they know you’ll be safe.
Even though fishing is one of the most entertaining activities in the world, nobody should ignore the dangers that are associated with it. For instance, weather conditions may change anytime, and if the angler is not alert, then he might be swept away easily. Also, every fisher should remember to wear protective gear like lifejackets to ensure they’re safe.
Apart from guaranteeing their safety, anglers should remember to carry all fishing equipment like the hooks, baits, rods, lures, and reels among others to ensure they are successful in the activity. Similarly, ensuring that you’re in the right fishing location, company, and you have the correct bait for the fish you’re trying to catch, is essential in the fishery.