Anyone who has sat around a campfire will agree with me that sitting around a campfire is the most relaxing experience one would ever have. Have you ever imagined yourself with a group of friends marveling at how good glowing heat and crackling sound of fire makes you feel? Well, for me, the benefits of a campfire are better than therapy!
Well, this experience would just be what you need especially on a cold chilly day. Camping should be what you look forward to when you need that comfortable feeling whenever you are out camping with your friends away from home. Let’s now carefully look at some of the benefits of a campfire.
Read also: Who Else Wants to Know How to Get Campfire Smell Out of Clothes?

8 The Benefits of a Campfire
1. Source of light
Sincerely speaking, a source of light is very necessary when camping especially at night. The light will enable you to see everything around the campsite. While there are modern ways of lighting the campsite like using solar lanterns, torches and electric bulbs in case you have an RV generator, the campfire is still the most reliable method in case these other methods fail. The campfire will, therefore, be ideal for lighting your campsite at night.
2. Campfire makes you free in a conversation
On a practical ground, freedom of speech is limited when all eyes are on you as you speak. People tend to be shy due to fear of being judged by their audience hence they end up not expressing themselves fully.
When you position yourself next to a campfire, you will be able to talk and express yourself fully since everyone’s attention will be on the campfire. You will, therefore, get the courage to speak as the campfire will become everyone’s focal point.
3. Reflection of the past
We all have a past experience, whether good or bad. A campfire will help you reflect on your past as you relax. Reflection being one of the benefits of a campfire will bring joy to you as you recall the moments you have had with your friends, family and even schoolmates.
Seating next to a campfire and looking into it will lighten up the not-so-pleasant moments in your past, and after all these time you may find yourself laughing loud about them as you get to see them from a totally different angle.
4. Campfire for warmth

It is important to acknowledge that early human beings invented fire for warmth among other reasons. When it’s cold out there, sitting around a cozy fire will definitely be what you would be looking forward to. One of the benefits of a campfire is equally for the same reason of providing warmth.
This is because it may get chilly when you are out for camping and warmth would be what your body would be missing. Most campfires are normally warm enough to prevent you from freezing during those chilly camping nights. A campfire, therefore, provides a comfortable experience as it generates a calm heat that will leave you warm and calmer.
5. Campfire for cooking

When you are out there for excursions, it is important to take good care of your health. This can be done by making sure that whatever you consume is well cooked and the water is well boiled to make it safe for your health.
A campfire takes care of purifying your drinking water and enables you to cook while on excursions. By using the campfire, you can even make a campfire sauce to make your food taste like what you are used to at home. This certainly makes your camping experience more fun and at the same time comfortable.
6. Entertainment for free
Have you ever been out for camping with a group of friends or even with your family? If yes, am sure you spent a better part of your night staring at the fire. Listening to the crackling sound of a campfire accompanied by its distinctive smell that penetrates through your nose creates a feeling that only one word can describe; amazing.
It is very entertaining just sitting and watching the firelight burn through the night. You won’t even need to stay locked inside your camping tent playing some video games. Why don’t you just play those video games next to the fireplace?

7. Uplifts your spirit
It’s always a rejuvenating experience exploring nature. This is because it’s only during these few moments when you get to have some calm and relaxing time for yourself, and you sit and wonder how amazing it feels.
When staring at a campfire, you will notice the flickering light and sparks produced by the fire as they rise towards the sky. On following these sparks towards the sky, you end up focussing your attention on the moon and the stars in the sky. This is when you realize how beautiful the sky is and hence appreciate nature. What a sight!
8. Campfire for security
Camping sites may be targets for predators, especially at night. However, predators are often scared away by fire. Therefore, when you are out there camping, and you light your campfire, be assured that no wild animals will even attempt to get close. Your safety will, therefore, be guaranteed. Campfires also act as beacons as they can be seen from a distance.

Campfire safety tips
For any campsite, there must be at least one campfire, and it is, therefore, important to know about the safety measures you should observe when you are around campfires.
Wrapping it up
In a nutshell, the benefits of a campfire are tremendous. This is because fire is a very important component in the history of the human evolutionary journey. The flickering light, the crackling sound, the warmth and the distinctive smell that makes up fire is what makes being around a campfire to be extremely fantastic.
This is why campfires are a very important part of our social experience as they enhance our social behaviors and provide us with a relaxation effect that makes us calmer. So, before planning your next camping trip; you better make sure that you know how to set up a campfire. Have a nice “campfire” journey!