One of the main points of going camping is to get away from the hustle and bustle of your normal daily routine. However, that presents a major problem when it comes to something that many of us cannot do without, our morning coffee. Unfortunately, you will likely find out the hard way that there are not too many Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or whatever your favorite coffee shop might be.
So, what are you supposed to do to get your coffee fix when you are out in the wilderness and roughing it? Believe it or not, there are ways that you can make yourself a fresh cup of coffee and it doesn’t involve driving miles to the nearest town that has a coffee shop. In this article, we came up with five different ways that you can make a fresh cup of coffee while camping, including an old fashion percolator. All of the methods we will discuss you have to remember to pack some kind of coffee grounds with all of your provisions and camping gear.
Top 5 ways to make coffee while you are camping
Many of these methods listed below will require you to have access to some kind of equipment. You will also need to have a campfire in order to heat up the water to a boil before you can make coffee.
Use a camping percolator - The percolator type of coffee pot has been around for years and it was the preferred method of making coffee, that is until the automatic drip coffee maker came around. Unfortunately, most campsites don’t have electrical outlets and besides who wants to pack a coffee maker when they are going camping. That is why the old fashion percolator is the best alternative and it is very easy to use as mentioned on Review Needs. You can find one where you find your camping gear for your trip. It is really simple to use a camping percolator to make a freshly brewed cup of coffee. Simply put the coffee grounds in the basket and fill put with water and place it on the campfire or camping stove and let it percolate until it is done.
Instant Coffee - While instant coffee often gets a bad rap by many because it often tastes much too bitter. However, it is actually the easiest way to get a freshly brewed cup of coffee while camping or hiking. To make instant you only need a few things to get started; a packet of instant coffee or jar of your favorite coffee, a kettle of water, and a campfire or camping stove. Place the kettle of water on the fire or burner of the camping stove and heat it until it is boiling. Once the water is ready, put the instant coffee in a cup and pour the boiling water into the cup and stir until the coffee is dissolved.
Use a French Press Coffee Maker - The French Press is an old-style method for making freshly brewed coffee in many parts of the world. It is actually really easy to do and all that you need is a French Press, your favorite coffee ground and kettle to heat up the water to a boil. It is actually really simple to make a great-tasting cup of coffee using a French Press Coffee Maker. Place the kettle full of water on the campfire or camping stove and heat it up until it boils. Take it off the heat and let it cool for a minute or two. Place the coffee grounds into the French Press and pour half of the water into the pot and let it steep for a few minutes and add additional water. To ensure you get all you can out the grounds push down on the handle of the press. This forces any additional flavor out of the grounds. Then pour the coffee into your cup.
Use a Coffee Bag - Many years ago coffee manufacturers developed a process for making coffee by the cup. What they came up with was a product similar to a teabag. These coffee bags also called pods were sealed woven bags that contained ground coffee beans. Each bag or pod would be filled with the necessary amount of coffee to make a single cup and multiple bags could be used to fill a carafe. To use them for camping coffee all you need is to put a kettle of water on the campfire or camping stove. The water is boiling, place a single coffee bag or pod in your coffee mug, and pour water into the cup. Let steep for several minutes to get the full amount of coffee out of the bag. Remove the bag and take a sip.
Cowboy Method - The cowboy method has been used by cowboys for hundreds of years. It is one of the simplest methods of all. It only involves having a kettle filled with water and coffee grounds. Heat the water in the kettle until it is boiling, let it cool down for a short time. Place a spoonful of coffee grounds directly into the kettle. Let the grounds steep in the water and pour slowly into your coffee mug.