Airsoft or BB guns have been around for quite some time. It’s been used by people for killing pests and waging mock wars with their friends. These armaments shoot pellets instead of bullets through compressed air or other gases. The projectiles are done mechanically, without the need for chemical reactions.
Air guns have always been used for hunting. Throughout the 17th and 19th centuries, they were the preferred weapon to shoot at deer and wild boar because they can be discharged in wet weather and rain. Primitive firearms at the time were unable to do that. Plus, they operated faster than muzzle-loading guns back then.

You can also use these weapons for protection when you’re in the wild. Here are the reasons why:
1. For Your Survival
You should be bringing weapons with you when you go to places where there are wild animals just in case you face an attack. Sometimes, even when you’re minding your own business, these creatures become territorial and want to drive you out of their homes.
Bringing an airsoft or BB gun can provide you with a chance for survival. It can offer you a way out when things become tight, and you find yourself with nowhere to run but towards a raging beast.
Fortunately, you don’t have to worry about leaving your pellets behind and damaging a particular area’s ecosystem. Check out this article on biodegradable airsoft BBs explained.
Some additional survival tips to help you with your adventures in the wild:
Be Prepared - Create a list of the essential things that you should bring when going overnight camping or on a hike a few days before the trip. This way, you can be sure that you have all you need for the excursion. Necessary gear you should carry include your phone, lighter, folding knife, emergency shelter, and hydration bag. You also have to prepare yourself mentally for any unexpected situations that you may need to face.
Insulate Your Shelter - Learn how to insulate your tent or makeshift shelter to protect yourself from hypothermia, heat, and other elements. You can cover the sides and the flooring with leaves, grass, and other materials to act as a barrier against the cold.
Read also: How to heat a tent.
Look for a Clean Water Source - One of the first things to do when you arrive on the site before or after prepping your shelter is to look for a clean water source. This way, you won’t have to worry once the water you brought runs out because you can always go to the river or lake and boil the water you collected.
Learn How to Start a Fire - The most crucial part of starting a fire is ensuring that you collect dry wood because moist ones won’t light up. Gather both small and large sticks, for kindling and fuel, respectively.
Read also: How to Make a Smokeless Fire
Study How to Make Essential Knots - The bowline and double-half hitch knots are two essential knots you should know how to make. They’re both useful for attaching things to a rope securely.
Know How to Build a Spear - You can make a spear with just a stick, a piece of rope, and a stone. This tool allows you to catch fish or other small game, which may be challenging to shoot with an airsoft or BB gun.

2. Injure but Not Kill
The primary benefit of airsoft or BB guns is that it only injures the animal that’s trying to attack you. You can estimate the distance to make sure that you don’t kill it.
Also, remember to aim for the body part that heals with ease and won’t let the animal suffer a permanent injury. This way, you give yourself the chance to flee and run to a safe place away from the raging beast.
Of course, you should only shoot at animals for self-defense. Don’t hit creatures when you still have another choice because you’re the one who’s intruding or trespassing in their natural habitat.
These are the things you should do to avoid facing and having to shoot at an angry animal in your campsite:
Keep It Clean - Always clean up your camp after preparing and eating your meals so that you don’t attract unwanted guests who may not be as understanding that you finished all the food. Put your supply in animal-proof canisters or suspend it away from your sleeping area.
Be Mindful of Garbage Disposal - Aside from ensuring that bears or mountain lions don’t eat up your food supply, you should also consider where you’re disposing your garbage. If you can, store them in animal-proof canisters as well to keep it away from the prying hands of coyotes and other wild creatures.
Don’t Bring Food in Your Tent - Obviously, you don’t want to lure animals into your tent and gobble up your food or, worse, mistake you for their dinner.
Watch Out for Your Clothes - The smell of your clothes can still attract predators, so it’s best to change after cooking and eating your dinner and leave that set of clothing away from your sleeping area.
Read also: How to Get Campfire Smell Out of Clothes?
Avoid Feeding the Animals - While deer, squirrels, and raccoons are too cute not to feed, you should avoid doing so because they may lead mountain lions right into your campsite.

3. Take Warning Shots
If you’re fortunate enough to have spotted the animal a few meters away, you can take a warning shot to startle or confuse them and allow yourself to escape being nearly backed into a corner by it. Remember, though, that it may instead trigger an attack so always practice caution when considering this choice in the wild.
Moreover, you have to think about the legal repercussions that you may face when brandishing an airsoft or BB gun and firing at wild animals. One man from Oregon had to comply with an investigation on whether he shot a wolf, which was unlawful in the state, out of self-defense or not. He wasn’t charged, but the process required effort from the defendant.
Airsoft or BB guns are a valuable weapon of protection when you’re in the wild, especially if you don’t have legal permission to carry firearms. This armament can provide you with a chance for survival without having to worry about inhumanely killing the animal as long as you aim at the right places. Furthermore, you can use it to take warning shots and startle them into running away, as well as give you a chance to escape.